Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer Bootcamp
Get Certified. Become a GCP Associate Cloud Engineer.
One of the latest certifications from GCP
★★★★ ☆ 4.0 (297 ratings) 3,358 students enrolled
New Modules Added- February 2020
This course was specifically designed to provide a refresher of the topics of the GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam. It is for experienced GCP engineers that who require a review before taking the exam.
The course will not only help you pass the Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer exam but also will teach you the real-world skills you'll need to be a cloud engineer. The course loosely follows the domain objectives outlined in the certification info, however, instead of just sticking to the basic exam, the course provides insight into the GCP Cloud Engineer exam plus walks thru main exercises around managing a GCP Cloud. We will be going thru demos, reviewing content and providing you the top 10 things to remember before taking the exam.
This course includes
- 10.5 hours on-demand video
- 20 downloadable resources
- Accredible Certificate of Completion
Lets get you certified on GCP.
An Associate Cloud Engineer deploys applications, monitors operations, and manages enterprise solutions. This individual is able to use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.
The Associate Cloud Engineer exam assesses your ability to:
✓ Set up a cloud solution environment
✓ Plan and configure a cloud solution
✓ Deploy and implement a cloud solution
✓ Ensure successful operation of a cloud solution
✓ Configure access and security
Who this course is for:
- Someone who wants better insight into the Google Cloud Platform
- Someone who wants to review the objectives of the Google Cloud Platform Associate Engineer Exam
- Someone who wants to pass the Google Cloud Platform Associate Engineer Exam
What you'll learn
✓ How to prepare and take and pass the GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Exam
✓ Learn how to use the GCP Gcloud commands needed for the passing of this exam
✓ Learn how to Secure Compute Engine
✓ Billing in GCP
✓ How to prepare for the exam and pass.
✓ How to manage your GCP Cloud environment more efficiently
✓ How to size App Engine and Bigquery
✓ The required kubenetes commands.
✓ How to secure the GCP cloud with IAM and Cloud Identity
- Access to a Google Cloud Platform account such as a free tier.
- Use of the Google Cloud Platform for six months or more
- Someone who is able to provision services such as VMS, Networks, VPCs, storage and data services in GCP.
Course Content
Introduction to GCP Cloud Engineer 10 lectures Length: 1:08:20
Setting Up A Cloud Solution Environment   12 lectures Length: 1:02:05
Planning and Configuring a Cloud Solution 14 lectures Length: 1:59:30
Deploying and Implementing a Cloud Solution 16 lectures Length: 2:33:45
Ensuring Successful Operation of a Cloud Solution 10 lectures Length: 1:17:19
Configuring Access and Security 8 lectures Length: 39:51
DevOps 9 lectures Length: 1:09:10
Resources to Help Study 10 lectures Length: 21:53
Close Out and Good Luck 4 lectures Length: 20:41

Runs so smooth on Mobile, I am incredibly impressed
- Chandra, January 2020
I needed the Associate cert for my new job which deals with GCP. I saw the GCP console for the first time on Nov 26, and bought this course with the idea of trying to get the Associate cert asap. After 2 weeks and a day of this course and reading the recommended documentation, I passed the Associate exam without much trouble on Dec 11. Thank you!
Niko Burgos, May 2019
Clear presentation and explanation of subjects that can show up on the exam. The Beta exam (somehow outdated today) is discussed in depth.
- Janusz Szpilewski, October 2019