Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification Course & Practice Questions
Jun 27, 2021Are Your Ready to become a Cloud Digital Leader?
The Cloud Digital Leader is Google’s Most exciting new certification and is an awesome certification for anyone new to Google Cloud to get certified in Digital Transformation.
The course has been developer by a leading techie, author and Chief Learning Officer (CLO) of TechCommanders. Course is over 5 hours with Demos, Whiteboard discussions, “Test Tips” and a pool of Practice Questions.
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Course Overview
A Cloud Digital Leader can articulate the capabilities of Google Cloud core products and services and how they benefit organizations. The Cloud Digital Leader can also describe common business use cases and how cloud solutions support an enterprise
For Exam Tips and a Video Review…. Here is a great link for insight.
Join in on this course that covers in detail the Certification that can get you started with Digital Transformation quickly.
The Google Cloud Platform Cloud Digital Leader Certification is targeted towards business professionals such as marketers, C Level and sales teams.
A Cloud Digital Leader can articulate the capabilities of Google Cloud core products and services and how they benefit organizations.
In this course we start with a brief overview to ensure everyone has the same understanding of the platform.. the understanding you NEED to pass this challenging exam. We will cover the aspects of the GCP Platform you MUST KNOW to pass the exam such as Cloud Deployment and Service Models, Cloud Frameworks, Google Services and TCO/ROI.
Most lectures are 5 – 12 minutes long with tons of demos to show in the GCP interface what you need to know.
This course will prepare you for the Google Cloud Platform Certification.
For more information on the exam please visit or
Watch out for my Youtube and posts as well
Joe Holbrook, CLO
Coming in July 2021. Cloud InterviewACE.
The best way to pass the Cloud Computing interviews. Period.
Cloud InterviewACE is an online training program & professional community mentored by industry veteran Joseph Holbrook (“The Cloud Tech Guy“), a pre/post sales guru in cloud. Learn to pass the technical and even soft skills interviews from the starting basics to advanced topics covering presales, post sales focused objectives such cloud deployment, cloud architecting, cloud engineering, migrations and more. resume tips, preparation strategy, common mistakes, mock interviews, technical deep-dives, must-know tips, offer negotiation, and more. AWS, GCP and Azure will be covered.

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We are TechCommanders…
experts in Next Generation Technology Training.
TechCommanders is an online training platform for both aspiring and veteran IT professionals interested in next generation IT Skills.
TechCommanders is led by Joseph Holbrook, a highly sought-after technology industry veteran.
Techcommanders offers blended learning which allows the students to learn on demand but with live training.
Courses offered are used to prepare students to take certification exams in Cloud, DevOps, IT Security and Blockchain.
Techcommanders was established in Jacksonville, Florida in 2020 by Joseph Holbrook, both a US Navy Veteran and a technology industry veteran. Techcommanders, Advancing your NextGen Technology Skills.
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