How much does it cost to get certified in FinOps?

finops certification finops certified finops certified practitioner (focp) how much does it cost to get certified in finops? Jul 12, 2023

The cost of getting certified in FinOps depends on the certification level you want to pursue.

The FinOps Foundation offers two levels of certification:

In addition to the exam fee, you may also need to pay for the cost of training.

The FinOps Foundation offers a variety of training options, including self-paced, instructor-led, and virtual instructor-led courses. The cost of training varies depending on the course you choose.

Here is a table that summarizes the cost of getting certified in FinOps:

Certification Level Exam Fee Training Cost Total Cost
FinOps Certified Practitioner (FOCP) $300 Varies $300 - $1000
FinOps Certified Professional (FCP) $1500 Varies $1500 - $2500

As you can see, the cost of getting certified in FinOps can vary depending on the certification level you want to pursue and the training courses you choose to take.

However, even at the highest level, the cost of getting certified in FinOps is still relatively affordable.

If you are interested in getting certified in FinOps, I recommend visiting the FinOps Foundation website for more information. The website has a detailed description of each certification level, as well as information about training courses and materials.

I hope this helps!


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