Cloud Operations Overview for Google Cloud Professional Architect
Oct 29, 2020
Operations Suite (Stackdriver) is a hybrid monitoring, logging, and diagnostics tool suite for applications on the Google Cloud Platform and AWS.
GCP Purchased Stackdriver and was rebranded to Google Stackdriver after the purchase.
Google has now rebranded the Stackdriver Suite as “Cloud Operations” This is important to know in case the exam has not been updated to reflect the change.
Cloud Operations monitors the clouds service layers in a single SaaS solution. Cloud Operations maintains native integration with Google Cloud data tools BigQuery, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Cloud Datalab, and out-of-the-box integration with all your other application components.
In a nutshell Cloud Operations Suite allows you to Monitor, troubleshoot, and improve application performance on your Google Cloud environment.
To access Cloud Operations simply go to the Cloud Console and go to Operations.
Cloud Operations Monitoring Main Benefits
- Fully integrated with Google Cloud Console
- Monitors multi cloud (GCP and AWS)
- Identify trends and prevents issues
- Lowers Monitoring headaches
- Fix problems faster
- Aids with Cloud Security
- Aids with Compliance
With Cloud Operations from a monitoring perspective defaults are intelligent and dynamic. Metrics retention is up to 24 months and writing metrics at up to 10-second granularity.
There are also Health checks which can be set up to monitor your cloud resources in specific regions.
Important note for preparing for the exam. In Stackdriver the Metrics are
- >> Platform, system, application
Then we can: - >>>Ingest Data Metrics, events and metadata
so, we can then - >>>be provided insight thru dashboards, charts, and alerts
In a nutshell, we select the platform then we select metrics and then we will choose how to monitor or view.
Figure 1 Cloud Operations Main Menu
The menu pane is on the left side of the Cloud Console.
Test Tip — You can write logs from Python applications by using the Stackdriver logging handler
A Workspace is a tool for monitoring resources contained in one or more GCP projects or AWS accounts.
Each Workspace can have between 1 and 100 monitored projects, including one or more GCP projects.
You can have as many Workspaces as you wish, but GCP projects and AWS accounts cannot be monitored by more than one Workspace.
A Workspace contains the custom dashboards, alerting policies, uptime checks, notification channels, and group definitions that you use with your monitored projects.
Test Tip — Every workspace has a host project.
A Workspace can access metric data from its monitored projects, but the metric data and log entries remain in the individual projects.
Figure 2 shows the Stackdriver Monitoring Dashboard that lists the dashboard that has been created.
Figure 2 Cloud Operations
The above figure shows an App Engine dashboard and one for Development GKE. Having very specific dashboards aids in the rapid identification of potential issues by providing an immediate visual thru viewing graphs/charts for example.
Test Tip — You can share Cloud Operations Charts by sending a parameterized URL
Figure 3 Dashboard View
The monitoring dashboard in the figure above is just a sample of what could be customized.
It works simply by selecting the Resource and then available metrics you would like in your dashboard view. Metrics Explorer lets you build charts for any metric collected by your project.
The monitoring dashboard in the figure above is just a sample of what could be customized.
It works simply by selecting the Resource and then available metrics you would like in your dashboard view. Metrics Explorer lets you build charts for any metric collected by your project.
Figure 4 Metrics Explorer
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Uptime Checks
When you make a change to an uptime check delay could be 25 minutes.
Figure 5 Latency Uptime Check
Uptime checks are available under monitoring and the dashboard will show you Uptime, Latency, Alerts, Checks Passed, etc.
Test Tip — You can setup alerts via email, SMS. PagerDuty, Web apps, webhooks
Cloud Logging
Logging supports these destinations for exported log entries. These exports are facilitated with the Logging API
Logging Agent
The Logging agent which you would install on a VM is based on Fluentd. Fluentd is an open-source data collector, which lets you unify the data collection and consumption for a better use and understanding of data. Fluentd is used to obtain or write log files to Syslog and other supported log types.
Install Logging Agent
The Logging Agent is installed the same way you would install the monitoring agent on a VM. It is just a different script that your running.
#curl -sSO
#sudo bash
#sudo apt-get update
Log Sinks
You need to create a log sink which includes a logs query and an export destination. To create a sink, use the gcloud command
#gcloud logging sinks create
Sinks can be set up at the Google Cloud project level, or at the organization or folder levels using aggregated sinks.
Understanding Sink Permissions
To create or modify a sink, you must have the IAM roles Owner or Logging/Logs Configuration Writer in the sink’s parent resource.
To view existing sinks, you must have the IAM roles Viewer or Logging/Logs Viewer in the sink’s parent resource
Your GCP project has several logs that are relevant to a GKE cluster. These include the Admin Activity log, the Data Access log, and the Events log.
Table 1 shows the current options Log Info and how long Google Cloud log retention trivia for the exam.
Table 1 Log Retention
Logging retention varies based on the type of log. The default range is between 30 days and up to 400 days.
Logs Router checks each log entry against existing rules to determine which log entries to discard, which log entries to ingest into Cloud Logging, and which log entries to export using log sinks.
To list current logs.
#gcloud logging logs list
Table 2 shows the current options Log Type and how long Google maintains the logs for you.
Table 2 Log Retention
For more information on Log Retention please refer to the Google Cloud Documentation site here. Figure 6 GKE Resource Types
Unlike other services in Google Cloud, GKE presents an additional choice of monitoring. In Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), there is native integration with Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging.
When you create a GKE cluster, Kubernetes Engine Monitoring is enabled by default and provides a monitoring dashboard specifically tailored for Kubernetes.
With Kubernetes Engine Monitoring, you can control whether Cloud Logging collects application logs. This monitoring can also be disabled for Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging as needed.
Cloud Operations is native to Google Cloud and therefore the recommended approach by Google Cloud.
Note — Other Options for Monitoring
Many monitoring solutions use the Kubernetes DaemonSet structure to deploy an agent on every cluster node.
Note also that each tool has its own software for cluster monitoring.
Heapster is another option that could also be used, Heapster is a bridge between a cluster and a storage designed to collect the cluster metrics.
Cloud Operations is native to Google Cloud and therefore the recommended approach by Google Cloud.
Error Reporting
Cloud Operations Error Reporting analyses and aggregates the errors in your cloud applications. It will notify you when new errors are detected. Error Reporting brings you the processed data directly to help you understand and fix the root causes faster.
You can also receive email or mobile alerts via mobile applications
Figure 7 Viewing Errors
Errors that are grouped together are usually very similar, so Error Reporting keeps only 1,000 samples. Keep all occurrences of an error then exporting your logs to BigQuery will save all errors.
You must know what the Error Codes 400/403 are in several contexts.
Test Tip — You must know what the Error Codes 400/403 are in several contexts.
Cloud Debugger
Debugger lets you inspect the state of an application at any code location without stopping or slowing it down. Debugger provides real time capture by inspecting applications and not have to stop the application. Supports runtimes Java, Python or Go and using Snapshots or Log points
Debugging captures the call stack and local variables of a running application. You can also inject logging into a service without stopping it.
Figure 8 Cloud Debugger
Debugging captures the call stack and local variables of a running application. You can also inject logging into a service without stopping it.
Process to debug application
- Clone Project > Repository
- cd Sample Code
- gcloud config set project MyDev123
- gcloud app deploy -version=v1
- gcloud app browse
- Validate output
- Setup up a snapshot
- Rerun application
I will cover more target objective focused details on Debugger during the objective coverage. Cloud Operations Trace
Gather and analyse TRACE flows understanding performance issues such as latency or bottleneck discovery
Stackdriver Trace can also analyse apps and generate reports
There is also a Trace SDK which currently supports Java, Node.js, Ruby, and Go
Figure 9 shows some of the options for selecting source code to trace
Figure 9 Trace Options
Cloud Operations Profiler
Stackdriver Profiler allows developers to analyse applications running in GCP and other cloud platforms, or on-premises
Stackdriver Profiler continuously analyses the performance of CPU or memory-intensive functions executed across an application.
Stackdriver Profiler presents the call hierarchy and resource consumption of the relevant function in an interactive flame graph.
The main use case for continuous CPU and heap profiling is to improve performance and reduce costs around your application.
In Summary
Cloud Operations is a very powerful and complex suite of solutions from Google.
The learning curve for Cloud Operations is more than just a few hours so I encourage you to further your learning in this area.
Table 3 Operations Suite (Stackdriver) Use Cases
Operations Suite Capability
Summary of Use Case
Operations Suite
Allows you to Monitor, troubleshoot, and improve application performance on your Google Cloud environment
Use for a native monitoring solution for Google Cloud environment insight or extend to a hybrid solution with AWS.
Maintain audit compliance and historical activity
Error Reporting
Analyses and aggregates the errors in your cloud applications.
Gather and analyse TRACE flows in near real-time to identify bottlenecks.
Inject logging into a real-time service without stopping it (call service)
Understand CPU and heap profiling to improve performance and reduce costs
The Cloud Architect exam will test you heavily in this area so prepare accordingly. I encourage you to take the free Developer focused labs on Codelabs to get a firm idea of how to use Stackdriver.
If you’re not familiar with Cloud Operations then your likely not going to pass this exam.
Figure 10 shows some of the options for selecting source code to trace
Figure 10 Codelabs
Joe Holbrook
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