TechCommanders "Techie Tips" Blog

What are the Top AWS FinOps Focused Services to Learn aws cost explorer aws finops finops certification Feb 13, 2024

Here's a breakdown of what you can leverage within the AWS ecosystem for FinOps

Determining the "best" AWS FinOps service depends on your specific needs and priorities. 


Recommended Services you should learn in AWS for a FinOps focus: 

Free AWS Services:

    • AWS Cost...
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What are the Top Reasons to get FinOps Certified this year! cloud finops finops certification finops certified practitioner (focp) what are the top reasons to get finops certified this year! Feb 13, 2024

 With FinOps, companies can work better in with decent solutions for cloud cost management.

Cloud cost management is itself a tedious process but, if done the right way, it can take the business to new heights with proper decision making.

FinOps bring together financial accountability and...

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Demystifying Dashboards: CompTIA Data Plus Certification Exam Preparation Dec 25, 2023

Imagine a cockpit: gauges, dials, and displays all working together to paint a clear picture of the aircraft's health and performance.

That's essentially what a dashboard does for your data. It's a centralized hub, a visual command center, where key information is organized and presented in a way...

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Understanding Measures of Central Tendency - CompTIA Data Plus Certification Prep. comptia data + comptia data certification understanding measures of central tendency Nov 07, 2023

Central tendency is a statistical measure that represents the middle or most typical value of a dataset. It is a way of summarizing a set of data with a single value that helps to describe the overall distribution of the data.

The best measure of central tendency to select when providing a...

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Leading and Trailing Spaces and Characters - CompTIA Data Plus Certification Exam comptia data + leading and trailing spaces Nov 07, 2023

A leading space is a blank space that appears before the first character of a string of text. A trailing space is a blank space that appears after the last character of a string of text.


Leading and trailing spaces are often considered to be unnecessary and can cause problems with data...

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Data Structures, File and Types CompTIA Data Plus Certification Preparation comptia data + data structures Nov 07, 2023

Structured data and semi-structured data are two types of data that differ in their organization and format.

Structured data is highly organized and adheres to a predefined format, typically stored in relational databases. 

It is characterized by fixed fields, consistent data types, and...

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Comparing OTLP and OLAP databases , CompTIA Data Plus Certification Preparation comparing otlp and olap databases comptia data + Nov 07, 2023

Online analytical processing (OLAP) and online transaction processing (OLTP) are two different types of database systems that are designed for different purposes.

OLTP systems are designed to handle a high volume of transactions in real time. They are typically used for applications such as...

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What is a Data Cube and When to deploy one? CompTIA Data Plus Certification Prep. comptia data + data cube Nov 07, 2023

A data cube, also known as an OLAP (online analytical processing) cube or business intelligence cube, is a multidimensional data structure that is optimized for fast and efficient analysis of large datasets.

It is typically used to store and analyze data from a data warehouse or data mart.


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What is a Snowflake Schema with Databases and when to use? CompTIA Data Plus Certification Prep. comptia data + snowflake schema Nov 07, 2023

A snowflake schema is a logical arrangement of tables in a multidimensional database such that the entity relationship diagram resembles a snowflake shape. 

It is an extension of the star schema, where dimension tables are broken down into subdimensions. Snowflake schemas are commonly used...

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What is a Data Lake and its common use cases? CompTIA Data Plus Certification Preparation comptia data + data lakes Nov 07, 2023


A data lake is a centralized repository that stores a vast amount of data in its native format. This means that it can store structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, such as text, images, videos, and audio.

Data lakes are often used to store big data, which is data that...

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What is a Data Mart and its Use Cases? CompTIA Data Plus Certification Exam Preparation comptia data + data mart Nov 06, 2023

A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse that is designed to serve the specific needs of a particular department or user group within an organization. It is typically focused on a specific subject area, such as sales, customers, or products, and it contains data that is relevant to that...

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What is a Data Warehouse and its Common Use Cases? CompTIA Data Plus Certification Preparation comptia data + data warehouse Nov 06, 2023

A data warehouse is a centralized repository of data that is specifically designed for analysis and decision support.

It collects data from multiple sources, including transactional databases, external data feeds, and other data sources, and stores it in a structured format.

The data is then...

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