TechCommanders "Techie Tips" Blog

What is a Relational Database and its Common Use Cases? CompTIA Data Plus Certification Preparation comptia data + relational databases Nov 06, 2023

A relational database is a type of database that stores data in tables. Tables are made up of rows and columns, and each row represents a single record of data. Each column represents a specific attribute of the data, such as a name, an address, or a price.

Relational databases are so named...

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What is NoSQL and its common use cases? CompTIA Data Plus Certification Exam Preparation comptia data + what is nosql Nov 06, 2023

 What should you do if your a marketing company with tons of data (aka in the data world at least petabytes of data:)

NoSQL databases are designed to store large amounts of unstructured data, such as social media posts, comments, and images. They are also highly scalable, which means that...

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CompTIA Data Plus Exam Preparation - What is Data Modeling? comptia data + data modeling Nov 06, 2023

Preparing for the CompTIA Data Plus certification. Make sure you get data modeling and its types!

Data modeling is the process of creating a schema for a database. 

A schema is a blueprint for a database that describes the structure of the data, including the tables, columns, and...

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Who should take the CompTIA Data Plus Certification Exam? comptia data + who should take the comptia data plus exam Nov 06, 2023

The CompTIA Data+ exam is an entry-level certification for aspiring data analysts. It is designed for individuals who want to demonstrate their ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data to inform business decisions.

Data, the world runs on data! Companies need it, collect it, wrangle it and...

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What is the difference between CompTIA DataSys+ and Data+ certifications? comptia data + comptia dataplus vs datasys comptia datasys + Nov 06, 2023

CompTIA is a well known certification body that has been creating and managing vendor neutral certification exams for many decades. 

Some of the exams such as the CompTIA Security Plus or the CASP may have some overlap in content that is tested.  The same issue stands with the CompTIA...

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Unlocking Lucrative Career Opportunities: IT Project Manager's Take on Top Paying Cloud Roles cloud computing cloud computing salaries Sep 18, 2023

In this short interview I discuss with Max Garcia, an IT Project Manager here in Jacksonville, Florida his thoughts on the top paying cloud roles. Max provides his insights into what a cloud architect, cloud security engineer, cloud engineer and even Devops expert can make.


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Is The CompTIA Data+ Worth Your Effort? comptia data certification comptia data plus salary data analytics is the comptia data+ worth it? is the comptia data+ worth your effort? Aug 18, 2023

Is The CompTIA Data+ Worth Your Effort?  Lets Discuss!

Why Data Professionals Should Take the CompTIA Data+ Certification Exam

In today’s data-driven world, data professionals are in high demand. Businesses of all sizes are looking for people who can collect, analyze, and interpret...

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Awesome New Certification – Certified Cloud PreSales Solutions Architect (CCPSA) Beta Release aws cloud certification certified cloud presales solutions architect (ccpsa) presales presales engineer Aug 18, 2023

Become a Cloud Solutions Leader with the CCPSA Certification!

The Certified Cloud PreSales Solutions Architect (CCPSA) is an ideal designation for a Cloud Solution Architect or Enterprise Architect that is mainly focused on pre sales and pre implementation tasks supporting...

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What Is A PreSales Cloud Solutions Architect? presales engineer sales enablement solutions engineering what is a presales cloud solutions architect? Aug 18, 2023

A pre-sales cloud architect is a technical professional who works with sales teams to help customers understand the benefits of cloud computing and develop solutions that meet their specific needs.

They have a deep understanding of cloud computing technologies and architectures, as well as the...

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Top Ten Reasons To Choose Google Cloud For Your Enterprise Data Services bigquery bigtable cloud operations overview for google cloud professional architect dataflow gcp cloud gcp cloud data services top ten reasons to choose google cloud for your enterprise data services Aug 10, 2023

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube.

GCP offers a broad range of services, including computing, data storage,...

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Why You Should Hire a Cloud Computing Career Coach cloud career coach cloud coach why you should hire a cloud computing career coach Aug 06, 2023

Why You Should Hire a Cloud Computing Career Coach

Cloud computing is one of the most in-demand skills in the tech industry today.

As businesses continue to move their operations to the cloud, there is a growing need for skilled cloud professionals.


If you’re interested in a...

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How To Obtain A Security Clearance For A Government Contractor Job government contracting how to obtain a security clearance for a government contractor job security clearances Aug 06, 2023

Finding a security clearance can very rewarding and provide a safe and secure role for many years.


Government contractor jobs offer exciting opportunities in various sectors, from defense to information technology.

So if your looking to work what is normally a long term contract...

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