TechCommanders "Techie Tips" Blog

How to Develop API's with Google Cloud Apigee API Platform | An Overview api apigee cloud development Jan 19, 2021

Apigee The Cross-Cloud API Management Platform

The old technologies can no longer hold up with the need of today’s modern world. Today we can book hotels, flights, call an Uber, and much more using integrated web services.

Before the change on the user end comes the change on the developer...

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Cloud Operations Overview for Google Cloud Professional Architect cloud operations overview for google cloud professional architect gcp free certification gcp professional cloud architect google cloud architect google cloud architect salary and demand gooogle cloud architect free course stackdriver google cloud Oct 29, 2020

Operations Suite (Stackdriver) is a hybrid monitoring, logging, and diagnostics tool suite for applications on the Google Cloud Platform and AWS.

GCP Purchased Stackdriver and was rebranded to Google Stackdriver after the purchase.

Google has now rebranded the Stackdriver Suite as “Cloud...

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Google Cloud Architect Salary And Demand demand for google cloud google cloud architect salary and demand google cloud demand Oct 29, 2020

Cloud Technology is growing at an exceptional speed; Cloud Architects have long agreed to accept the challenge of AWS and Azure certifications. Now the cloud platform that has consistent demand is Google Cloud. Google Cloud is a niche play still, but with that comes some great salary demand.

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Google Cloud Platform DevOps Overview cloud build gcp devops gke google cloud google cloud devops google cloud platform devops google kubernetes engine Oct 29, 2020

Simply put technically, DevOps is an enterprise software development phrase that is used to describe an optimal agile relationship between development and IT operations.

The main goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship of teams by advocating better communication and collaboration...

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How to Configure Network on a Kubernetes Cluster- CKA Exam Preparation Series cka kubernetes kubernetes certification kubernetes network Sep 14, 2020

How to Configure Network on a Kubernetes Cluster

This is one of the numerous posts by TechCommanders in a series for studying for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam.

Become a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)!

In this post, we will learn how to configure a network...

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Learn how to Secure a Kubernetes Cluster - CKA Exam Preparation Series kubernetes kubernetes certification kubernetes engine security kubernetes security Sep 14, 2020


This is one of the numerous posts by TechCommanders in a series for studying for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam.

Become a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)!

Before learning how to secure a Kubernetes Cluster. Let’s read about why it is important to...

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How to Troubleshoot a Kubernetes Cluster- CKA Exam Preparation Series cka exam kubernetes kubernetes cka kubernetes troubleshooting Sep 14, 2020


This is one of the numerous posts by TechCommanders in a series for studying for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam.


Become a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)!


There are many cases when you realize your Kubernetes cluster is not working...

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How To Use Kubectl To Manage Your Kubernetes Clusters kubectl kubernetes kubernetes certification Sep 14, 2020

If you are reading about Kubernetes or learning about it you should already be familiar with the Kubectl command. If not completely but somewhere at basic level maybe. Kubernetes is an open-sourced tool which is originally developed by Google and used for automatic deployment and auto-scaling the...

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Techcommanders Membership Only Google Cloud Class Schedule gcp certifications google cloud google cloud architect google cloud devops google cloud engineer techcommanders Sep 10, 2020


The following courses are available as part of your membership in Techcommanders. TechCommanders

TechCommanders is an online training platform for both aspiring and veteran IT professionals interested in next generation IT Skills.
TechCommanders is led by Joseph Holbrook, a highly...

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What is the difference between Kubernetes vs Docker containers docker kubernetes Aug 31, 2020

Nowadays we hear a lot about Kubernetes vs Docker but it is a quite misleading phrase. We will understand what people mean to say when they talk about Docker vs Kubernetes. As they both are not direct competitors. Docker is a containerized platform whereas Kubernetes is a container orchestrator...

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The Kubernetes Certifications (CKA vs CKAD) cka ckad kubernetes kubernetes certification Aug 31, 2020

This post will discuss the two most important certificates of Kubernetes. CKA which stands for Certified Kubernetes Administrator and CKAD which stands for Certified Kubernetes Application Developer. We will start by discussing what is common in these two exams followed by how they both are...

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How to Design a Kubernetes Cluster clusters kubectl kubernetes Aug 31, 2020

How to Design a Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes is an orchestration system which deploys multiple containers(nodes) across the server. Nowadays Kubernetes is an essential part of every organization as it helps in scaling the application seamlessly. As the use of Kubernetes is increasing drastically...

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