TechCommanders "Techie Tips" Blog

What are the Top AWS FinOps Focused Services to Learn aws cost explorer aws finops finops certification Feb 13, 2024

Here's a breakdown of what you can leverage within the AWS ecosystem for FinOps

Determining the "best" AWS FinOps service depends on your specific needs and priorities. 


Recommended Services you should learn in AWS for a FinOps focus: 

Free AWS Services:

    • AWS Cost...
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FinOps: The Future of Cloud Cost Management aws finops financial operations finops certified practitioner finops foundation focp Jul 12, 2023

FinOPs, is a must have skill in 2023 and beyond. Get enabled now!

The cloud has revolutionized the way businesses operate. But with this revolution comes new challenges, one of which is cloud cost management. FinOps is a discipline that helps businesses optimize their cloud costs.

 Take the...

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FinOps Certified Practitioner Crash Course and Practice Questions with Free Ebook! aws finops finops certification finops certification sample questions finops certified practioner sample questions finops certified practitioner certification course finops certified practitioner certification practice questions finops certified practitioner practice questions finops practitioner finops practitioner certification Jun 02, 2022

Join in on the new course to help you learn about FinOps and get certified!

FinOps Certified Practitioner – Crash Course

Learn the fundamentals of FinOps and prepare for the Linux Foundation’s FinOps Certified Practitioner Exam. 

 The FinOps certification allows individuals...

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Top 10 Things to know about AWS CloudĀ FinOps aws finops aws finops best practices aws finops course cloud finops finops certification sample questions Jan 11, 2022

Updated 09/19/2022

AWS Cloud FinOps is all about creating and presenting the financial impact of a managed cloud service over the business.

With A Cloud FinOps practice, companies are in a position to know their clear picture of AWS cloud finance management.

Note that Cloud FinOps is not limited...

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