TechCommanders "Techie Tips" Blog

What are the Top Reasons to get FinOps Certified this year! cloud finops finops certification finops certified practitioner (focp) what are the top reasons to get finops certified this year! Feb 13, 2024

 With FinOps, companies can work better in with decent solutions for cloud cost management.

Cloud cost management is itself a tedious process but, if done the right way, it can take the business to new heights with proper decision making.

FinOps bring together financial accountability and...

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What is the Certified FinOps Professional Salary Range? cloud finops finops certified practitioner salary finops salary salary range of a finops practitioner Oct 09, 2022

Becoming a FinOps Certified Practitioner can be very rewarding!

With FinOps, companies can work better in with decent solutions for cloud cost management.

Cloud cost management is itself a tedious process but, if done the right way, it can take the business to new heights with proper...

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Top 10 Things to know about AWS CloudĀ FinOps aws finops aws finops best practices aws finops course cloud finops finops certification sample questions Jan 11, 2022

Updated 09/19/2022

AWS Cloud FinOps is all about creating and presenting the financial impact of a managed cloud service over the business.

With A Cloud FinOps practice, companies are in a position to know their clear picture of AWS cloud finance management.

Note that Cloud FinOps is not limited...

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Why take the FinOps Certified Practitioner (FOCP) exam now? cloud finops finops finops certification why take the finops certified practitioner (focp) exam now? Oct 26, 2021

Understand Cloud Spend and How to Control Costs

With the advent of cloud computing, a lot of enterprise organizations are opting for cloud-based apps and operations.

With these types of operations they are also expecting their both technical and even non technical managers to understand the...

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