Google Analytics For Bloggers and Content Owners
Learn how to set Up Google Analytics, Track Marketing Analytics and derive immediate value from Google Analytics and its constantly expanding suite of analytical tools and resources.
★★★★★4.7 (4 ratings) 2,906 students enrolled
Course Overview
As a digital product owner, blogger or affiliate marketer it can be very difficult to understand where to focus our marketing efforts. Data is being generated everywhere while also being collected by numerous methods in tour digital world. Discovering business and technical insights from these data streams requires learning how to effectively use the best available analytical tools at our disposal. Google Analytics provides an astounding array of capabilities that, when used correctly, will guide your myriad of technical, business, professional and even personal decisions in a data driven direction.
Knowing what metrics, tools, and services are available to provide insight into your digital product’s performance is critical to reaching the best researched and reasoned conclusions possible
During this course we will be reviewing Google Analytics toolsets to provide you step by step instructions on how to setup Google Analytics to provide comprehensive and actionable insights. Actionable tips and tricks will be provided to help you articulate your goals, increase conversions, and use your digital products to improve your business.
Lastly, we will identify the reporting sections within Google Analytics which have the greatest impact on digital products. I will walk through the class with steps required to get to the relevant data, analyze the data and even exporting this data outside Google Analytics to investigate further.
This training is about how to derive immediate value from Google Analytics and its constantly expanding suite of analytical tools and resources. This course is important for anyone wanting an intensive learning approach that will provide you with immediate actionable tasks that will also provide you deep insight into your digital products performance. The course will cover both the basics and the most important intermediate features of Google Analytics.
The first part of the course covers the basics and will be focused around webmaster tasks such as how to setup Google Analytics to see how to get the tracking code for your website, how to install the tracking code in WordPress, analyze where traffic is coming into an existing website, and find the keywords working best that will provide you the best search impressions and clicks for your digital products.
The second part of the course will cover Intermediate level topics such as Attribution, assisted conversions, Analytics Intelligence, Table Booster, URL Builder, Da Vinci Tools, Real Time Tracking as well as many other metrics, alerts or reports. A detailed explanation on how and why the volume of sessions and clicks differs in regard to paid campaigns tools like Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
What's Included?
- 2 hours on-demand video
- 1 downloadable resource
- Accredible Certificate of Completion
Who is This Course For?
- Bloggers
- Digital Product Owners
- Affiliate Marketers
- Business owners, entrepreneurs or product managers who want to maximize the performance of their digital products.
- Anyone looking to master the fundamentals to be able to obtain insights that can be gathered with Google Analytics to drive their business decisions.
What You'll Learn
✔ Use Google Analytics to provide insight and key data driven decisions
✔ How to set Up Google Analytics to Collect Actionable Data Results
✔ Identify How to Track the Success of Your Marketing Campaigns with Tagging
✔ How to Install Google Analytics APIs to automate reporting and join Google Analytics data with your business data.
✔ Use Google Search Console to locate keywords that are driving interest
✔ How to use Google Analytical Tools such as Analytics Intelligence, Table Booster, URL Builder, Da Vinci Tools, Real Time Tracking as well as many others.
✔ Document Insights and Make Data Driven Decisions to Grow your digital product
- Participants should have a website, blogging site, mobile application to use with Google Analytics
- A basic understanding of using Google Chrome in order to install extensions
Course content
Course Introduction 2 lectures Length: 05:32
Segment 1 - Fundamentals of Google Analytics 11 lectures Length: 57:16
Segment 2 - Advance Topics Around Data Driven Decisions 10 lectures Length: 01:00:11
Course Closeout 2 lectures Length: 01:31